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pfsopen   Linux x86


Open pfs stream for reading or writing. pfs is an interchange format for high dynamic range images (see http://pfstools.sourceforge.net).


This is a script file.


 Open pfs stream for reading or writing. pfs is an interchange format for high dynamic range images (see http://pfstools.sourceforge.net).
 usage: pfs_struct = pfsopen( fileName );
        pfs_struct = pfsopen( fileName, rows, columns );
        pfs_struct = pfsopen( fileName, [ rows columns ] );
        pfs_struct = pfsopen( fid, ... );
   fileName - name of the file to read or write. \"stdin\" or \"stdout\" for standard input and output
   rows - height of images to write
   columns - width of images to write
 The first usage of pfsopen opens pfs stream for reading, the second and
 the third for writing. pfsopen also accepts file descriptor returned from
 pfspopen, which can be used instead of a file name (the fourth usage). Use
 pfsget or pfsput to read or write frames or single images. You must close
 pfs stream with pfsclose. The stream will not be closed when pfs_struct
 is deleted (for example with 'clear pfs_struct').
 pfs_struct is a structure that contains the following fields:
   EOF - set to 1 if there are no more frames; 0 otherwise
   FH - file handle of the file. For internal pruposes, do not use
   MODE - file open mode: R - for reading, W - for writing
   columns, rows - dimensions of each channel in the stream
   channels - structure that contains channels represented as real matrices
   tags - structure that contains tags represented as strings
   channelTags - structure that contains a structure for each channel,
         which contains tags. The format of the latter structure is the same as
         for 'tags' field.


This function calls: This function is called by:


0001 % Open pfs stream for reading or writing. pfs is an interchange format for high dynamic range images (see http://pfstools.sourceforge.net).
0002 %
0003 % usage: pfs_struct = pfsopen( fileName );
0004 %        pfs_struct = pfsopen( fileName, rows, columns );
0005 %        pfs_struct = pfsopen( fileName, [ rows columns ] );
0006 %        pfs_struct = pfsopen( fid, ... );
0007 %
0008 %   fileName - name of the file to read or write. \"stdin\" or \"stdout\" for standard input and output
0009 %   rows - height of images to write
0010 %   columns - width of images to write
0011 %
0012 % The first usage of pfsopen opens pfs stream for reading, the second and
0013 % the third for writing. pfsopen also accepts file descriptor returned from
0014 % pfspopen, which can be used instead of a file name (the fourth usage). Use
0015 % pfsget or pfsput to read or write frames or single images. You must close
0016 % pfs stream with pfsclose. The stream will not be closed when pfs_struct
0017 % is deleted (for example with 'clear pfs_struct').
0018 %
0019 % pfs_struct is a structure that contains the following fields:
0020 %   EOF - set to 1 if there are no more frames; 0 otherwise
0021 %   FH - file handle of the file. For internal pruposes, do not use
0022 %   MODE - file open mode: R - for reading, W - for writing
0023 %   columns, rows - dimensions of each channel in the stream
0024 %   channels - structure that contains channels represented as real matrices
0025 %   tags - structure that contains tags represented as strings
0026 %   channelTags - structure that contains a structure for each channel,
0027 %         which contains tags. The format of the latter structure is the same as
0028 %         for 'tags' field.

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