pfstools man pages
Man pages for pfstools, pfscalibration and pfstmo.Input
- pfsin - reads HDR image / sequence in any format
- pfsinppm - reads ppm/pnm/pgm low-dynamic range files
- pfsintiff - reads HDR logLuv tiff files
- pfsinrgbe - reads HDR Radiance RGBE files
- pfsinexr - reads HDR OpenEXR files
- pfsinpfm - reads HDR PFM files
- pfsinjpeghdr - reads JPEG HDR files
- pfsinimgmagick - reads LDR image files in all formats recognized by the ImageMagick library
- pfsindcraw - reads an image in a camera RAW file format supported by DCRAW
- pfsingdal - reads geospatial data using GDAL library
- pfsinmulti - reads several streams of frames
- pfsout - writes images / sequence in several formats
- pfsoutppm - writes ppm/pnm/pgm low-dynamic range files
- pfsouttiff - writes HDR logLuv tiff files
- pfsoutrgbe - writes HDR Radiance RGBE files
- pfsoutexr - writes HDR OpenEXR files
- pfsoutffmpeg - encodes frames to an MPEG animation using ffmpeg encoder
- pfsoutpfm - writes HDR PFM files
- pfsoutjpeghdr - writes JPEG HDR files
- pfsoutimgmagick - writes LDR image files in all formats recognized by the ImageMagick library
- pfsouthdrhtml - create a web pages with an HDR image viewer
- pfsclamp - clamps color and luminance channel values to be within the specified range
- pfsgamma - applies gamma correction to color or gray-scale images
- pfssize - resizes images or frames
- pfsextractchannels - extracts selected channels from the stream
- pfstag - sets or removes tags in pfs stream
- pfspanoramic - performs projective transformations of spherical images
- pfsrotate - rotates images/animation by 90 deg
- pfsflip - flips images/animation
- pfspad - adds border to images/animation
- pfscut - crops part of an image/animation
- pfscat - concatenates (puts side by side, vertically or horizontally) several images/animations
- pfsabsolute - converts luminance in the image/animation to absolute units (cd/m^2)
- pfsstat (Octave) - shows frame/image statistics
- pfsoctavelum (Octave) - process luminance using Octave
- pfsoctavergb (Octave) - process red, green and blue color channels using Octave
- pfsdisplayfunction - apply a display function to convert from pixel vales to luminance emitted from a display (or from luminance to pixel values)
- pfscolortransform - apply color calibration using user provided matrix file.
- pfsretime - retime an animation stream from one frame-rate to another.
- pfsview - viewer for high-dynamic range images or video sequences in pfs format
- pfsv - a wrapper for pfsview that can show images without typing long command line
- pfsglview - OpenGL viewer for high-dynamic range images
- pfshdrcalibrate - recover response curve from a set of exposures and merge them into an HDR image
- pfsinhdrgen - read several exposures and pass exposure information from an hdrgen file
- jpeg2hdrgen - generate hdrgen file from a set of JPEG images
- dcraw2hdrgen - generate hdrgen file from a set of camera RAW images
- pfsinme - read several exposures from a set of JPEG or camera RAW images
- pfsplotresponse - plot camera response generated with pfshdrcalibrate (using gnuplot)
- pfsalign - align multiple exposures (for hand-held HDR shooting)
- pfstmo_drago03 - adaptive logarithmic tone mapping operator
- pfstmo_durand02 - fast bilateral filtering tone mapping operator
- pfstmo_fattal02 - gradient domain tone mapping operator
- pfstmo_mantiuk06 - contrast domain tone mapping operator
- pfstmo_mantiuk08 - display adaptive tone mapping operator
- pfstmo_pattanaik00 - time-dependent visual adaptation tone mapping operator
- pfstmo_reinhard02 - photographic tone mapping operator
- pfstmo_reinhard05 - photoreceptor tone mapping operator
- pfstmo_mai11 - tone-mapping for backward-compatible compression
- pfstmo_ferradans11 - tone mapping operator with visual adaptation and local contrast enhancement
Entries marked with (Octave) require prior installation of GNU Octave.